Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Classes and Raben Group

Today was a success at getting up early as I got myself ready to visit The Raben Group and become acquainted with the people and the surroundings I will be working with for the next ten weeks. I finally met my supervisors Ellie and Amanda as well as one of my fellow interns, Nick from UC Santa Cruz. After going through an orientation that included meeting various employees and sorting through the more than 100 e-mails in my Raben Group e-mail account. Before I left I found out that my first day will include a major assignment on a particular task that I will discuss in detail tomorrow.

Back at the UC Center I it was time for me to go to my first seminar and elective class. The seminar is taught by Marc Sandalow. His name might be familiar because he used to be a full-time writer with the SF Chronicle and he gives brief reviews of what is going on in Washington, DC for KCBS at 6:20 and 7:30 in the morning. The seminar was good and included us watching clips of news coverage that range from being entirely informational (PBS) to being primarily meant for entertainment (Fox News). Our first assignment will be to draft leads for various political stories that occur between now and Wednesday.

The lobbying class is setup much like a seminar. For over an hour we discussed whether lobbyists really had as much impact on the government as they are perceived to have, whether giving money to a legislator will actually buy their vote, and various other topics that got us started on lobbying in DC. There will be more to discuss on this class next week but that's all I got right now.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like your classes and internship will be great! Good luck with your major assignment today and getting through all those!
